

Letting Jesus Out

I saw a little video this morning where someone was using that high expansion foam, and a little squirt into a hole resulted in the foam oozing out all the cracks and openings, totally filling up the box. It pushed out even the air, and filled every void. I thought 'there's got to be a sermon in that somewhere!'.

Jesus is that powerful to us, if we will just let Him be. What we do with Him once we let Him in is up to us though. Wouldn't it be nice if we were so full of Him that He was seeping out for everyone to see?

Today, join me a moment and ponder how we can let Jesus fill us up so completely that He pushes out the cares of this life, that He pushes out our fears, that He takes over the spaces that sometimes get full of temptation and sin, and let Him just fill us completely.