The Real Problem Is Sin
Perry Westmoreland
- Sin & Repentance
As we see every time an atrocity of this kind happens, the different sides run to their talking points, one side wanting to confiscate or otherwise control guns, and the other side saying the actual guns are not at fault, rather the person who chose the gun as his killing tool. We see the argument thrown out "Cain killed Abel with a rock, and that the rock is not to blame". We also see a similar argument that we don't take sober people off the street because a drunk driver killed someone. In both of these arguments, we see something that is evident regardless of which side of the argument you are on.
I looked at several versions of Genesis 4 this morning, and I can't find where it says Cain used a rock. Hebrew secular history says he used an iron plow-sheer. People have said "a rock" all my life, but that's a discussion for another day. What we know is that God was not pleased with Cain's sacrificial offering, but was with his brother Abel's. We know God and Cain talked, and God was clear to him that he had done wrong, and had not followed what he knew to be right, and God continued that if he would do what is right, he would be accepted like his brother was accepted. God said the problem was SIN, and told Cain that he must "rule over it." (NIV)
We know Cain killed his brother over the deal. We know the Bible says Cain was angry.
Instead of doing what God ordered, Cain chose the sinful route and out of what must have been jealousy, lured his brother Abel to a private place and killed him with something, perhaps his bare hands but we don't know. When God inquired, Cain lied to God about knowing where his brother was. God, knowing all, said, "The voice of your brother’s blood is crying out to Me from the ground." (Gen 4)
When people choose sin over God, why do we wonder when they commit murder, steal, lie about things, and some on a large scale like this week’s shooting? God fearing people aside, our nation has been pushing God away, ridding society of God, and embracing sin for as long as I've been alive, and I suppose all the way back to Cain in some fashion or another. I feel confident many don't see their rejection of God as embracing sin necessarily. They don't want God or anything to do with Him, but they don't see that they are choosing sin as the only alternative. Whether or not they realize it, scripture is clear, that there is no safe middle ground, no area between God and sin. It's one or the other!
There are some really good people, and I mean good. They behave nicely, treat others right to the point that they would give the shirt off their back to someone if they needed it. They are honest, hard working, and all that. These people would never consider shooting a bunch of people, or committing crimes. Yet many who are good and honest, still have chosen to deny God. Their lives are lived using Godly principles of honesty and concern and doing good, but they feel they are OK without God. Yet God says repeatedly in scripture that they are not OK. They may be doing OK in this physical life, law abiding, respected and appreciated, but if they are outside of Him, they are going to be cursed on the day of judgment, much worse than God cursed Cain with his condemnation of separation, and a life of wandering.
Choosing God's way or a life of sin is a hard teaching, but it is indeed God's teaching, not man's. Romans 6:3, 6:11, 8:1, 1 Cor 1:2, 1:4,15:22, 2 Cor 1:21, 3:14, 5:17, 5:19, Gal 2:4, 2:16-7, 3:26, Eph 1:2, 1:13, 2:13, 3:6, are a few of the many verses that tell us life is "in Christ Jesus". Those "in Christ" in His body the church, are saved from the results of sin. Those outside are not! Cain chose to say no, and the result was he was "hidden" from the presence of God, with additional physical curses upon him. Separated from God will also be the eternal judgment of those who deny God in this life.
Today, we don't know exactly why people twist off and mass murder a building full of people. Some may do it out of hate, others to make a name for themselves or make a statement, some are affected by depression and other mental illnesses that contribute to the overall picture, but we do know that none of them would do such a thing if they followed the will of the Almighty God. Some want to blame the gun, the knife, the bomb, whatever "tool" these people use. There are hundreds of different weapons around us every day, innocent things like hammers, and some so small you can't see them with the naked eye that can be used at the hands of evil people to kill the innocent. At the base of it all though, is sin, and not the object these evil people choose to use.
Pray today for the disastrous situation that happened in Boulder, and pray for the hearts of men, that they would turn to God, seek His will and His way. Pray that people will choose God over sin.