

He Takes Care Of Us

I don't know about you, but I haven't by any means forgotten those years when it seldom rained, when the ground opened up big cracks, when farmers made little if anything on their crops, everything green all but died and smoke filled the air on a regular basis from all the fires.

Our lake was so low we were frantically scrambling to insure domestic water and there were discussions about long term water access and what that would entail. Our situation was dire.

During those times, we prayed for it to rain, for God to fill our lakes, and for our problems to be solved for our farmers and ranchers. We were dependent upon God to solve the problems of that drought, as we were pretty helpless to do it ourselves to any degree. Maybe we could get drinking water to town from a few hundred miles away but we could do little else. So we prayed and we waited.

God did answer those prayers, as He parked a storm over our water shed long enough to solve our low lake issues, in fact, He gave us more lake water than we had seen in decades, and we have been in a comfortable position ever since. Even today, God is answering prayers with rain, and while I'm as ignorant about farming as I am rocket science, it appears to me that God has lined up things really well for our farmers and ranchers this year with all the recent rains in the area. At the same time, He has put a lot of water in a couple of our water system lakes that were in dire need. Our prayers continue to be answered.

Have we sufficiently thanked Him for continuing to take care of us in this way? Have we forgotten those long periods when we prayed with tears in our eyes for it to rain?

Today, not just for rain, but thank God for all of His provisions. We should take comfort in the fact that we can depend upon Him to take care of us.