


My daddy used to get frustrated with politics and just plain-old mis-behavior of people in positions of leadership. He was a very gentle person his whole life, and when I say frustrated, I mean he would actually talk about it over coffee or something. Seems like if he was talking politics, he was frustrated. But as he got into his mid 80's, he would often times end those conversations by saying, "I'm just looking for Gilligan's Island".

In theory, leaving all the bad stuff in our world, and being secluded on a deserted island sounds pretty good, but we have become too accustomed to things like health care, running water, electricity, grocery stores, clothing stores, etc, etc, etc,.

We also need our church families too, don't we? I certainly would not want to be anywhere that I didn't have my church family. God calls it a family for a reason, and He never intended us to be an island unto ourselves.

Today, just pause and say a little prayer or two, and thank God for your church family, those people who love and support you outside of your blood relatives.....oh wait, they are blood relatives too, thanks to the blood of Christ. As we thank God for our church family, let us also thank Him for the blood that was shed that makes us family.