

The Real McCoy

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The story reportedly to be true, is told that back in the mid-1800's a couple of slaves escaped from their owner somewhere in the central United States and hopped on the train and went to Canada where they could be free. While in Canada these people by the name of McCoy had a son, and they raised him giving him the best education possible. When it was time for him to go to college, they sent him to Scotland where he studied mechanical engineering. After completing his education he returned to the United States but was not able to find a job suited to his education, so he took the job of fireman on a train, you know, keeping the fire stoked to make steam to power the locomotive.

Part of his job each day was to lubricate the locomotive. Without lubrication, the locomotive would not function properly and would break down. This was a very unpleasant task to do throughout each day, and he knew there must be a better way. Using his knowledge and skills, he invented an oil lubrication cup for the locomotive that would lubricate the train while it was in motion. This lubrication device was one of the most outstanding inventions of its time.

Like most things, over a period of years, others tried to imitate or improve upon Mr. McCoy's lubrication cup. However, time after time, it was evident that none of the knock-offs were as good as the original and everybody wanted McCoy's cup, and that's where we get the phrase, "the real McCoy", after Mr. Elijah McCoy.

When it comes to the word of Jesus Christ as found in the Bible, we don't want a knock-off either, we want the original. We want the real McCoy! There's nothing like the one and only true Gospel, and no one who has ever tried to improve upon the word of God has ever been successful. We have the very words of Jesus recorded by those who personally heard Him speak, and written down by the guidance of God's Spirit. There's no reason for us or anyone else to make any attempt to improve on that. We need to hear His teaching, unadulterated, pure and simple. We have the real McCoy, we have the real deal, we have it straight from our Lord Jesus, and no other will do.