

Struck By Lightening

We sometimes hear people in TV interviews or they are quoted in news stories saying things like, "the lightning suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and struck my (whatever)". It's especially noteworthy when they say that while the TV station plays some neighbor's home security video showing 10 or 15 previous lightning strikes from a storm predicted by the weather service 3 days ago, and that has been building for the past 4-5 hours and has crossed three counties before it got here.

How can that possibly have anything to do with our thought for today?

God has warned us for centuries about Satan, his realm of darkness and the forces of evil, the antichrists, and how we should always have our guard up. God tells us Satan operates in the darkness and that we should stay in the light. We are told Satan walks around like a roaring lion looking for his next meal. We should never be unaware of his schemes.

So knowing what we know, it should be almost impossible for Satan to pull off a sneak attack. If we don't go where we should not, don't do those things we ought to avoid, and stay away from people who we know we need to not be around, there should be no lightning strikes that catch us by surprise.

We shouldn't be seeking shelter in the midst of the storm. When we are aware the storm is approaching, it's time to find a safe place, stay out of the rain, and protect not only ourselves but those we love. We need a plan, at all times, for those situations when dangers threaten, and I'm not talking about mother-nature.